Conference: Temperatures Rising!

Australian civil society & Palestinian freedom: analyses, resistances, solidarities, activisms
14-15 May 2011 | SYDNEY

The Coalition for Justice & Peace in Palestine (CJPP) and the Centre for Cosmopolitan Civil Societies (CCS) at the University of Technology, Sydney, are jointly sponsoring a two day conference to analyse current political dynamics and help strategise how to make Australian solidarity with Palestinian self-determination more effective. It’s time to re-focus on the core rights of Palestinians: rights to national freedom, equality, democracy, land and peace… and fundamentally, the right of the refugees to return to their homes. The conference will invite speakers from a range of groups across Australia, and will take place on the 63rd anniversary of the Nakba. The conference will have talks, panel discussions and workshops. Some of the papers will be academic, some will be less formal. Taking part will be academics, activists, community members, students, and civil society advocates.  Visit the conference website for full details.